Thursday, February 18, 2010


Ma Sha' Allah - arabic for As God Ordained.

Associate all your possessions, all your acheivements and all the things you love in this life with this realization and say it out loud everytime you take pride in yourself, in others and in all that you have and then see how everything you have and what is around you will be blessed.
Give the same to others when you see that they have something nice. To confirm and re-confirm in your admiration of something that this was ordained by God, you give it life and light.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Land..

What should I call my land? What is one's land? Where you were born or where you have lived or where you want to live? What then, shall be my land?

Mine would be what is permanent, and permanent is not even the grave one rests in. For we will rise one day and leave that grave too. So what is homeland?

We will the next life, the permanent life.