Thursday, July 29, 2010

Become and Be..

I have tried to explain each moment , each phenomena and each experience. I have sought definition and explanations. I have looked deeper and deeper. I have chosen not to react , but to observe. To keep my silence until I KNOW.
How do you know that you know? You do when whatever was being defined either loses all of it's value or becomes so valuable that you cherish it forever. When it loses it's mystery and reveals it's beauty or ugliness. When it either causes nothing in you or causes you to smile.
Imagine being totally unaffected by all of life. Living days and nights without bother. Without reacting. Without pain or joy. Just flowing through the temporary journey of life , heading towards infinity. When fear seems something of the past and each one so amusing. When losses are no longer losses nor are they gains. They are just experiences. Well defined and explained and relayed for the benefit of the ones in despair. When you are neither lonely nor are you surrounded. It is the station of discovery and silent joy. The place where your real journey begins. What others call Power.
Because in being so, you shall unleash your spirit. You will have conquered every single influence. Every minute the thought that hits you, the notions that flirt with your sensibility and the experiences that head towards you - all come to leave and make way for newer ones to come. And when all of these energies find no reaction..they stop and submit to the entity which is you. Here is when you rise above it all. And, this is what is to BECOME and BE.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I fail you..but I try not to.

I have failed you many times , I fail you today and I will always fail you. I am human. I know that my faults are many and my laziness often. I know I have no excuse. I admit to my failure. I am humbled by your compassion and my ignorance. I stumble and I fall. I walk into darkness often. I am human. Full of mistakes and emotions that fool me.
I try. I try not to fail you. I try not to fall. I try very hard. I try and I get frustrated trying. I try so much. I try and I fall and I cry. I call upon you and I seek pardon. I get up and I try.

Shall you then judge me for the fault or reward me for the effort? I am lost in this question and it only adds to my concern.

O God of Mercy and Compassion.. Forgive me that I fail you often.. but I try not to.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pity and Compassion

Deprived  of what we feel is important in life, but maybe not to themselves. Maybe they do not consider themselves to be deprived of anything at all.
Pity, can never be positive. Compassion is what can be positive. Pity is to look at someones condition and just keep looking at it and reacting to it without doing anything about it. Compassion is to fix what went wrong to cause a situation that gets pity. Because to pity someone is to completely accept that they are in something that they can never get out of. And that is another way of nurturing an ego that can destroy us. For who are WE to decide what someone can get into and get out of? It is only for GOD to pity. We can only feel compassion . Compassion which is the property of the Creator. A property he CHOSE to give to humans also, though at its lowest level. Only God can have pity, because He knows for sure what humans can get into and get out of or remain in.
Compassion is what humbles us and helps us to grow and enable those around us to grow.  Pity is what leads to looking down on someone and thinking highly of oneself  which eventually destroys the heart. So stop pitying yourself and others and  bring out the compassion in your heart for all of life.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Innocence is the absence of knowledge that can create chaos in the mind and make one do things that will hurt them emotionally , mentally and spiritually. We never lose it. We hide it. We hide it because the cruel world will never let it exist on it's own. You have not lost your innocence. It is there , in you. You have covered it with a number of actions , words and appearances that are designed to the show the world that you are NOT innocent. That you cannot be taken for a ride. That you are not .. weak.
The world teaches us that innocence is weakness. We have to grow to be cunning and smart. We must know evil as much as we know good. And we have to balance our actions between these two. We have been fed with many concepts and from these we have developed perceptions and beliefs on which our actions and decisions are based. These actions and decisions then have an affect on us. Maybe that of guilt, disappointments, joy, or humiliation. And in this drama gets lost the stable, beautiful and wonderful innocence. Add to this the passage of time.. and walls become stronger and stronger. Walls of that room in the heart where poor innocence gets locked up as we grow. When you lose all your dreams, your fantasies and your communication with the unseen. What the world calls silly, but you love. Yes, Do not give up on your silly dreams and visions.

Remove all that the world has forced you to believe. Remove it all. Empty your chaotic mind. Your sins did not take away your innocence, your reactions of fake self concepts and guilt to those sins hid the innocence. You gave up and you lost hope. You have taken on burdens which are not yours to take.
Remove the burden of your sins from your heart through repentance. Forgive yourself. And most of all , remove the appearance you put up in front of the world because you fear ridicule.  Remove worry, remove the concern and be yourself. Stop this fear from killing your innocence..
Empower your innocence with Faith. You will lose nothing...

Peaceful Mind

No more arguments in the mind, no more debates. No more concern and no more the stress. To exist in peace and calm makes way for the mind to finally see and learn. It causes the soul to rise from the depths of illusions. A peaceful mind defines correctly. A peaceful mind does not react so much. A peaceful mind reflects. A peaceful mind realizes and then takes off on a flight into the infinite universe and all of creation, watching all that exists.. seen and unseen.


A mind that can finally decide on structures and processes because that is what it was created for. To reflect the desire of it's creator. Finally, the mind , in finding it's peace, has found its real purpose...

Friday, July 16, 2010


Youth is the curiosity that remains unsatisfied. It is the longing that drives the mind and body to seek realities one suspects but knows are not revealed yet. Youth is that wish of a life yet to come.
Weakness and being old is defining all of life and concluding due to the laziness of the mind and intensity of the ego, resulting in frustrations that decay the very existence of man , snatching his youth from him and burdening him with aging.
Youth is the condition which you do not maintain, it remains with you until you remain true to the soul and in search. Because, to decide that you have now understood it all is resigning from life; and when the heart makes this decision, it ends its time here. Whether the soul leaves the body or not, it goes into hiding and the glow of youth disappears from the face..
Youth is not subjected to the number of years spent, it can remain for a thousand years with the body whose soul does not leave it for a thousand years.. and it can also leave someone in just a few years of life..
So, do not think that subjecting the body to painful acts and treatments will be able to convince youth to stay with you. Understand your condition and realize that even ten thousand years on earth does not complete you. Understand and SEEK.. always....

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Another Life..

Slowly changing is life and so slow that the mind cannot notice..
But, memory tells the story of change when asked to wake up and tell its tales of the past. We have not changed, but life has changed. And it is changing and we only realize this once all the changes have happened. When babies have grown , and when a new ray of light comes and caresses the earth revolving. When suddenly we look at all that is around us.. and for a moment go back in time .. and go through every event of life and to a time when days were long and weeks were longer - when "next year" was so far away..
We realize that it all went and something else has come and we went through it.. we spent all those moments and they seem so short now..

Surely, this life is not the only life. Surely, this life cannot be all of life... for we need an eternity to express our hearts and define our souls....we need more than a lifetime.. we need another life.. and another... and another...