Sunday, October 23, 2011

No End...

There is no end to life because there is no end to you. You will never stop existing. Let go of this illusion of an "end". There is no end.
You plan so much, find so much joy, sadness and anger living in this illusion of an "end".. and when you do experience what you call an end, you will find that it is not the end..but the beginning of a new experience , your existence being constant. With marks of today, you will enter tomorrow and the illusions you lived in today will cause humiliation for you tomorrow. So, let go of this illusion of an "end".. there is no end.
Yes, there was a beginning.. and a journey had begun. But, there shall be no end. And, how are we to know that there was even a beginning? Illusions have intoxicated memory and we assume.

There is change of dimension, higher awareness and revelations of the hidden, but .. there is no end.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Fool

Might is the promise and evil is the way and the fool walks on this path where he was led to by the Whisperer who seeks nothing but the destruction of the fool, yet making him believe that he has no greater friend.
The fool was given the option to choose between himself and the ONE that created him and his definition of "me" caused him to choose himself, not knowing that without the light from the ONE, he will not be able to see and so he will be pushed and thrown and will fall again and again reaching a point of depression and sorrow where he will submit to any one. And so the Whisperer held his hand and the Fool felt strength from an illusion he forced himself to call "reality".. the illusion of "I". He took the path the Whisperer pointed him to and began his journey of destruction. Of pain. Of eternal sorrow. And , until the end of his journey, the ONE kept on sending him messages and signs and friends to warn him of what waited at the end of this path but the FOOL walked on. Feeling strong and good. Trusting the Whisperer and disbelieving his friends... until.. the end came.
The Fool turned away and wanted to run, but he could not. There was no way back. He did not realize that as he had walked on the path, the road behind him vanished with every step he took and had he stopped before the end and repented, a way would have been created for him to return and take a better path. But no, not at the end of this path. No...

Be not a fool by thinking of "I", "ME".. be wise and focus on the ONE..... NOW..

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Submission and Power

Who shall submit then?

To God...

The one that seeks nothing from others and so has no complain nor desire from others. And in this state, reveals no ego and no defense and offends not. The one that honors God's creation and begins life with " I do not know". 
The one that fears not a tyrant and his tyranny and the one that suppresses not the weak and the poor. The one that honors the truth even if spoken against their ego and prestige. The one that honors bravery and courage. The one that has no word to define themselves. 

A person that gives credit to the creator for their own creations and success and takes responsibility of all the misfortune that came upon them. They have submitted.
And in submission, they have got a power. A power from the heavens. A power that has raised them in rank and given them a station they themselves cannot realize nor comprehend for they are too busy in the admiration of the creator of all this..

Friday, March 04, 2011


If only the heart could one day realize and understand that all of what IS comes from the ONE. And, all is what was and shall be is also from the ONE. When this becomes the reality of a mind, then the mind shall seek to connect ONLY with the ONE. And, in accomplishing this connection, find it's balance and peace. Because, then it will not be occupied with so many idols. Some it hates, and some it is forced to worship because of absence of the presence or reality of the ONE.
The source is ONE. The Direction is to the ONE. The judge is ONE and the cause is ONE. ALL is from ONE.. and ALL belongs to the ONE.. so why chase anything or anyone BUT the ONE?


The tragedy and stupidity of the human mind is that it seeks complication. It seeks networks and connections and circuits. It cannot simply connect to ONE source and rest there. It wanders and it makes mistakes. Mistakes in thought, in belief and in judgment. Though it is designed to focus on ONE, it CHOOSES to focus on MANY - and so the despair and sadness and above all - ignorance. Because in wandering, the mind loses peace. In losing peace, it gets tired. And, in being tired, it forgets it's own potential. Ending up in an eternity of humility and sorrow...

The higher the intelligence, the simpler the mind and the greatest mind shall only look at the ONE for everything... for real wisdom is not the creation or achievement of the human mind. Real wisdom is external.. it is from the ONE.