Monday, August 13, 2012


We learn everyday. We cannot conclude that we know. We do not. One day, we may know it all. But while on earth, we do not.
Today, I learnt so much more about myself as some wise men talked about ego. In defining it, I learnt where my ego comes in and fills me with enough self praise to stop me from growing spiritually. Blurring my perception and making me fall. Make mistakes.

Oh so frustrating!

Realizations that lead to repentence. Realizations that cause us to make a new comittment to our life...the decision to grow and conquer our own ego..

The Rising

We will rise one day from this earth. As real as we are now. We will see it all..know it all and we will be very honest about it all. All reality will be revealed to us. We will reveal all reality and then each one of our actions and beliefs will be weighed. On the scale of truth. A fair judgement of all. Everyone. And,results will be given..and we will move on to our stations..where we shall be always..eternally.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Colors..

A variety...every where I look. The different faces. The different ways. The different words. The different colors.

This world says only one thing to me. It says every second: My Creator is amazing. beautiful I am. No..not yours..His.
We have come here and live here only for one reason and that is to understand the many colors of our nature. The colors that our minds project to show us the reality we live in. Color projectors. Yes..that is what our minds a Creator who is to be praised constantly..

What we believe form our perception and what we perceive we react to and every reaction projects images around us ...and colors combine..a reality is formed.

Know yourself..and you shall know your Creator..