Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I fail you..but I try not to.

I have failed you many times , I fail you today and I will always fail you. I am human. I know that my faults are many and my laziness often. I know I have no excuse. I admit to my failure. I am humbled by your compassion and my ignorance. I stumble and I fall. I walk into darkness often. I am human. Full of mistakes and emotions that fool me.
I try. I try not to fail you. I try not to fall. I try very hard. I try and I get frustrated trying. I try so much. I try and I fall and I cry. I call upon you and I seek pardon. I get up and I try.

Shall you then judge me for the fault or reward me for the effort? I am lost in this question and it only adds to my concern.

O God of Mercy and Compassion.. Forgive me that I fail you often.. but I try not to.

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