Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pity and Compassion

Deprived  of what we feel is important in life, but maybe not to themselves. Maybe they do not consider themselves to be deprived of anything at all.
Pity, can never be positive. Compassion is what can be positive. Pity is to look at someones condition and just keep looking at it and reacting to it without doing anything about it. Compassion is to fix what went wrong to cause a situation that gets pity. Because to pity someone is to completely accept that they are in something that they can never get out of. And that is another way of nurturing an ego that can destroy us. For who are WE to decide what someone can get into and get out of? It is only for GOD to pity. We can only feel compassion . Compassion which is the property of the Creator. A property he CHOSE to give to humans also, though at its lowest level. Only God can have pity, because He knows for sure what humans can get into and get out of or remain in.
Compassion is what humbles us and helps us to grow and enable those around us to grow.  Pity is what leads to looking down on someone and thinking highly of oneself  which eventually destroys the heart. So stop pitying yourself and others and  bring out the compassion in your heart for all of life.

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