Monday, January 23, 2006

Letting Go

Let go of what?

Nothing goes that you let go off, for nothing was there that you were holding on to. Yet, it was constant. What IS , REMAINS. You never held it, and you never let it go. In your perception you did, but that was an illusion. This whole concept of having and losing. What you lost, was not there to begin with and what IS, will always BE. Think and reflect on this. You will conclude that there is no cause for sorrow, there is only joy and there is ONENESS and tranquility. There is eternity in two beings accepting the existence of the other. Maybe we play the game of having and then letting go because we are refusing to accept the very existence of what is being let go of.

Eternal is God, you never lose Him - you just get occupied with something else - He is Constantly THERE. Eternal are we, for though we may transfer from place to place, from earth to heaven or hell - we live, feel, see and hear. Do you accept that? If you do, then you lost nothing.

Friday, January 20, 2006

When the Worlds meet

Two different worlds. Many different worlds. Each person has their own world. "My world is different from your world" someone said to me. True. So very true. Even my world is different from my own brothers world. Worlds apart are we all from eachother , yet we co exist. And life is good as long as no one intrudes on the other's world. This world each one of us has, is our own unique perception of life. So , when two people come close and try and become one, their worlds meet. War of the Worlds! What happens when two worlds collide? A big BOOM and then a whole new world is created. But a lot depends on how each party sustains the boom. Who lives through it, and who does not. Maybe both wont. Maybe both will and ALL will if they have that one wonderful back up - ACCEPTANCE. Change in your world, or situations in your world require your acceptance. That's their main block into forming themselves into a whole new world. If you don't accept what is, what will be does not occur and a state of panic remains. Once you accept, change occurs in YOUR favor.

Message to Message

It was not the intention here to ridicule your fine perception, but to cleanse it from assumption. You took offense in a defensive message oh dear Message. Forgive me, to offend you was not the objective, to remove suspicions and assumptions was the goal. Assuming is basically giving space to darkness in the temple, the heart. This darkness causes a lot of destruction and results in more darkness. The assumption could have been mine, for maybe your words had other meanings.

I am sorry.


Humans came from the same place. A place. A level. An existence - a point. From an existence to an existence through various transfers of energy they came to be in this realm existing yet in other realms as they exist here. Something happens there, and something happens here each moment here and no moment there. Consciousness itself shifts realms many times in a single DAY. A single revolution of the sun and the moon, divided into various tiny and great events labeled as hours and minutes and seconds and milliseconds. A constant vibration of energy - giving, converting and executing yet combining. Causing interaction between entities and causing situations that become turning points or mere memorable or hated events. The medium for this realm is the body this energy is IN. It gives value to the action of that energy which is under the control of the conscious will or not under its control. If under control then an organization exists, an organization that balances and manages the transfers and many conversions of this limitless energy form to cause a favorable flow. If not under control, the energies subject themselves to ANOTHER consciousness, another entity which seeks to be unique and thus destroys your conscious will. Scary eh?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Time and You

Time. It passes, flows and moves only forward. Never stops for a moment. Everything, everyone and anyone takes a break. Time does not. Time is not merely the routine motions of the sun and moon or the rotation of earth or all that astronomy - it is also YOU. When you are not at peace with yourself, Time is not at peace with you. When time is not at peace with you, you are not yourself. You move time and time moves you. How does one become ONE with Time then?
"The clock is ticking" , we are warned many times in this life. So what?? Why are you so distressed if the clock is ticking? Whats the ugly hurry? Your future? Or the Past that haunts you? The future you cant wait to see and the past you cannot let go of. And in doing so losing TIME, Losing NOW. For existing NOW is the only way Time gets the attention and respect it deserves from you and when it does, when you DO live in the NOW , Time takes a break for YOU - NOW.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Out of the Box

Out of the box means.. OUT OF THE BOX. What is the BOX? Its the limits you put around you. The boundaries. Its frustrating to see fear. Within and in others. Why do these boundaries that we set ourselves have to BE? I often hear things like " What will people say? " or " Oh this is how it is". What a loser thinking! I have seen in my life, that what was feared the most - DID indeed occur. And, what fear was avoided - never existed to begin with and thus nothing really happened. Amazing how this mind works. What you MIND, MATTERS. That's mind over matter for you. This BOX we are talking about here is virtual, but its impact is amazing. Can fix lives and can destroy lives. Question every move while making your little box!

Finding You.

I have found you I think. Somewhere in my being. I had searched the universe to find you and I had concluded that I could not find you. But then here you are, in me - around me. You never judged me, I judged you. You stood by me and I thought I was alone. You will not even say I was wrong, you simply say I knew not. Such LOVE! Thats why I have looked for you- calling it peace and calling it happiness, and so many other names, but its YOU. I have called you eternal, and you are so- but then you are you. And here you are, in me.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Right

Is it your right to ask for a right? Where I live, its a crime to ask for your right. Its considered a weakness. As men, we TAKE our rights. My concern now is the women. The people who smile and go through life in this desert without getting their rights. Accepting it to be life, when it is not life. It is someones perverted idea of how life should be so that only THEY can benefit from it. A land of double standards, deception and arrogance. But do we fear that? Should we? I dont think change can occur without acceptance of fact. And what is around and happening is fact. Once you accept it, you will understand it and once you understand it, you can change it. You can at least change your own world. You get your rights when you stop blaming and start searching and living and accepting. An outright NO leads to confrontation which leads to destruction. When has destructuon ever been the solution. Peaceful means require patience and pateince creates persistance and persistance can move mountains. Love yourself. Love yourself enough to gain and live in the wisdom of life. The formulas that always work will come to you once you acheive this state. When the high and mighty will shy away from imposing on you..

Saturday, January 14, 2006

What is Pain?

What is this life of unawareness? For what is happiness if their were no pain? How indeed would you define happinness if their was no pain? To celebrate life and to smile, one must know what pain is. And so pain does come. No one can claim total happiness.
Pain is the loss of control over anything dear to heart. But then , were you ever in control? You want to conquer it? Realize it. Realize what you are and then you will have conquered it all. Even the joy of happiness that reaches an extreme which leads you back to pain..

Reach Out

A night so quiet, so noisy and so dark yet so clear at the same time. Is this confusion or do you see clearly for the first time? Were you in an illusion or are you in an illusion? So many questions must be in your mind and so many doubts - yet you reach out to me. You seek. I seek also. I have sought. And I search. Maybe I have gone further into the jungle and made a pathway for those that have doubts yet the need to cross the jungle to follow. Follow not me, but a path. At least, there is a path. I can tell you that to this point that I have reached, I have cleared the way to it. So you will not meet the hurdles I met. You will not bump into stones I bumped into and you will not fall into pits I fell into. To this point where I am, the Path is clear..

Dark Secrets

I have seen people lie and live a lie till they die. Why? Fear of loss. It is just that - a fear of loss. Of dignity, of face or person or a life which they beleive to be the life they want. If they had to lie to have it , then it was not a life they wanted. Is your life based on a series of suppositions or is it based on facts? This is the place to say what it is and then find the right way out and the right way in to YOUR real life..

Welcome to Life

I would like to welcome you to life. Yes, you have lived so far - but then have you? I have found answers to questions people ask all their lives. Not knowing answers and having many questions for a long long time causes a lot of frustration and anger in us. This directs our lives, so we have so many issues going around the world. The common answer is : this is life.
Well, I have news for you. NO , this is NOT life. This is us giving in to failure.

Post your questions here and get a totally amazing percpective from me. You will be shocked and relieved at the same time. What may have been so complicated so far may indeed have a simple solution. A simple tweak in perception. Get out of the box!