Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Often people think that they have mastered life since no one is bothering them anymore. They may have even done it. But then, maybe they have not and they think they have done it! Or maybe they have just given up and found a station in life in which they can continue to survive and live on until they die. Who is to say if thats right or wrong? What is right or wrong anyway? We cannot know what is right or wrong. We think we do, but in reality we dont. Oh yes, i know - there are books sent from God that clearly define whats right and wrong and what a nut I am to say we dont know- right? Thats what you are thinking right? But what if I were to prove it to you from these holy books that what these books have said are wrong - have been made right for some people mentioned in the same books? Once again, we find ourselves sitting and thinking. What the books say is wrong, is definitely wrong - no doubt about it. But then the one doing it may not be bad either - right? Or maybe the one doing it, maybe doing it for the right reasons. So you see, we dont KNOW.
When do we really know? In fact, what do we really know? When the answer is - never and nothing, education has started. If the answer is this and that - then we are running in circles. Running in circle is chasing our own tail until we get too exhausted and pass out - in the case of the human condition - die.


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    If you are running in circles then you need to get out of the maze !

  2. Yes my dear Anonymous and Intelligent friend, that is the whole point of writing "Circles". I am glad you get the point of it.

  3. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Real Life, your perceptions of different things in life are SUPERB. I would definitely like to meet you one day. :XXX

  4. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Reading this makes me realize how free we really are and how much we tie ourselves up in mental conversations, judging and basically wasting our lives in nothing.. thank you real life.

  5. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Are you as handsome as you sound ? :X ;)

  6. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Yes I understood the meaning of your post real life and I hope that you can practice what you preach. To not is a travesty
