We hear so many people just complaining about what is around them. Is it not sad, that whatever is around them is their own creation? They indirectly or indirectly chose to be where they stand and then they complain , blaming an external force or person or situation. Sad. What is even more sad, is that they are totally unaware of the power they possess. And in fact its their choice to be where they are.
I have worked with persons claiming to be in impossible situations. At the end of our sessions, those persons were out of their situation and you know what? I did not do it for them, they did it themselves. I just guided them through the maze of the mind. From acceptance to realization to visualization, their issue ended. And they did it. At that point , it was proven to them beyond any doubt - that they have the power to change their own lives by changing what is in the mind. This theory is real and it is also backed by a verse in the Holy Quran which basically clearly states that Allah does not change the condition of a nation until they change what is in their hearts. Heart means the inner mind, soul. The essence of humans is their minds and its perceptions and beliefs. So its the belief system that we work with. We dig deep into the mind of the person and extract the poison. Poison which decays the brain simply by existing. Poison such as doubt, fear and wrong notions which in time become belief and directly affect choices and perceptions and eventually actions. And we all know, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So if you find yourself in an undesirable situation, try to work on finding out the action that you took, what you did that caused that situation to be. There is NO other answer to it. Yes, we can sit there and blame so many things and people, but sorry - that's not the solution. It is temporary ego relief. It is denial of fact.
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