Friday, June 30, 2006

Pain - a friend...

Pain unlimited you have taught me to smile and showed me life. Oh pain, you are my friend and it is with you I see the true colors of life. You hold my hand and help me to grow into a mind that is far greater than what it was. Pain, had it not been for you I would continue in my perceptions of life that I used to have. The ones that introduced me to you. Oh pain, my friend , you showed me the people who were real to me and the ones that really did not care. OH pain, you taught me to respect the moments of happiness that you sometimes let us see.
Yes, had it not been for you , I would know not what pleasure is. You are a true friend if there was any. You can be pleasure if only we could see how nice you are to us.


  1. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Those that do not feel pain seldom think of what is felt

  2. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I agree after a painful experience you do come out of it stronger than before.
