As the sea split apart and made a path and the cane became a python and as the carpets flew in the skies and birds talked of nations - or when the world brought forth all of its water and an ark floated for days and when the moon split in two parts- humans went from one era to the other. What was reality once, is mythology now. What was common sense once, is super powers now. What was the normal once, is fairy tales now.
Do we humans then not question our own books? And if we do, do we retain the right to call ourselves muslims? Or christian, or hindu? What is religion now?
I see a whole lot of muslims sitting in a hall, listening to a religious person reciting verses and quoting from the Quran - talking.. telling us stories and everyone is sitting there enjoying , or getting bored or simply in awe. Many muslims will easily say, oh we cannot do what the Prophet did. He was HIM, we are nothing. Our self worth is in the gutters now. And guess what the reason is? Not USA, not anyone - no one. Just our own hearts and minds - which we have corrupted ourselves, by giving in to our own lower self - thus discarding the wisdom of belief and replacing it with the hell of logic and unfounded responsibility. For no reason whatsoever, we have opted for stress, ugliness and pain rather than beauty, wisdom and peace. But what do I do when I have to provide for my family and there is no job? Go crazy, run around town - get stressed and beg people, lie cheat - anything? Got you a job? Yes. And then , I worked and worked and provided - then I grew old and no one cares. They gave me a golden handshake and I am home now. And all these years, I have done everything to build my home. And, no one cares. My children are lost in their own lives, and all those people I strived to please are no longer around. And today, I realize, their must be more to life than just this.
What if, dear friend, you had decided on that day, when you did not have a job or whatever your problem may have been - that you will reflect. What if you did not freak out and you meditated, prayed and reflected on wisdom we got over 1400 years ago. You would have found what you REALLY need, what you are REALLY responsible for and who REALLY cares. You would have found your labor of love and lost those "lovely" people who were oh so concerned about your pocket and appearances. You would have probably lost a lot of people you consider important, but you would have definitely found peace, tranquility and success in your own free of nonsense personality. You would have perceived situations differently and never experienced stress. Hey! You may even have been much healthier than you are now. And, surprise - its still not too late. Because to feel old is to think you are old - its just your perception. YOUR perception is YOUR reality. So be really careful about this perception. If that gets twisted or goes the wrong way, so does your life and relationships and your whole being. Your days and nights are about your perception. And your perception is the child of your inner deep belief system. Its that belief system and this perception that get caressed and nurtured and stabilized, by a higher intelligence - your GOD. And God speaks to you day and night, but you see - you cannot hear. Why? Would you be able to hear a screaming voice in a Disco filled with loud music and booze? The chaos in your mind does not allow you to hear.
So you see, if you truly believe in God - and ALL humans minus a minority of Atheists, claim this belief- then you would truly look for his words and wisdom, won't you now? Yet, you do not. And when you do hear it, you find it all so hard to believe. What? Humans flew? Dead were brought to life? Honestly , can we for a minute realize that all this existed or exists? They sound like fairy tales after you see todays news on CNN. We would rather believe what a bunch of unknown guys say on a high powered TV channel. We want the seen, not the unseen. We cannot use all our senses, we are too lazy to even know we have other senses.
A good word for the Atheist though - he is definite and not hypocritical like most of us- at least he believes in nothing and not just any nonsense. Most of these atheists end up truly finding the Real God one day. For to believe partially and be oh so inconsistent is to be unstable and be subjected to the currents of life. A slap here and you are in the North and a kick there and you are in the south. The true believer and the true atheist stand on firm ground - and surprisingly get along just fine. The reason is, there is no lies or deceptions in their mind. For to be firm in belief is to be fearless and to be fearless is to be honest. Honesty gets us trust and trust finally becomes compassion and love and we then coexist.
Tragedy of mankind people : We cannot control, refine or realize our own perceptions and minds. We let anything influence it and we cannot even decide what to believe in. What kind of education do we get? The one we pay for? What is the CRITERION of thought now?
Everyone fears death, and everyone dies. We fear the inevitable. And why does that have to be the acceptable way of thinking? It makes no sense to fear what is to be. Do you know why? Because we DO not believe in fate and that death is decided and its time written. We say we do, but we do not. Because we do a great deal of research in trying to stop it from happening. We can cure everything, but we cannot cure death. To work on cures, is great - to work on avoiding death - is ridiculous IF the belief is right. But in this twisted belief, we start to perceive it all differently. Oh, if he was not standing on that side of the road, the car would not have hit him and he would still be alive - you hear this sort of talk a lot. Decide, do you believe it was fate or do you believe its simple cause and effect and could have been altered? You cannot hang in the middle of these two very different perceptions - because if you do - you are really disturbing your own mental balance - so one day you will not fear death and the next day you will freak out at the news and thus get stressed and eventually paranoid or something of that sort and join that confused population that has no more morals. Real belief is never something like : Oh I believe totally that this was destiny, on the OTHER hand IF he had not gone out that day.. this would not have happened.. . This is simple confusion and leads to a damn mental debate that , if prolonged, can lead to a mental disaster. Either stick with " this was destiny, ALHumdulilah" or Stick with " The NUT should not have gone out". Because then you will have a strong base to work from. Either way, you will come to a solid conclusion: God is behind it all. The destiny guy will get to it quickly, the other guy will get their after a lot of experimentation in cause and effect. But someone hanging between the two, will do just that - hang till he rots and then fall off the branch.
So my question, dear reader , is : Do you believe?
An excellent piece of writing, only if like you said people really believed.
ReplyDeletethey would, if we do..our children are the people of tomorrow. What better treasure than a great belief can we pass on to them?
ReplyDeleteKeep up d good work.