Monday, June 08, 2009


Define sin to me.

One could present a long list of activities that would be classified as SIN. And the one who does them is a SINNER.
So, what did the sinner do? Kill? Cheat? Lie? Drink? Hurt? - yes, indeed- many sins. But what did the sinner do?
The sinner, violated against their own being. The sinner caused grief to their own heart.

Sin is defining one's self incorrectly. Sin is living in an illusion. Sin is forcing an issue on the heart - sin is hurting one's own soul. For its only when you are unfair to yourself are you unfair to all life. How can you love anyone if you don't love yourself? And how can you love yourself if you never loved God. And how can you love God if you never even try to understand yourself?
Sin is to ignore your own heart. Sin is to hate yourself so much that you allow yourself to create chaos within and around. And how does a human relay what is within except with words and actions?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Sin is when your actions not remain just with you but start affecting and causing pain to those around you, those who never want to hurt you or love you for something you possess, they love you simply because you are you. Yes your actions do become a sin when they cause distress to innocent bystanders.
