Friday, January 20, 2006

When the Worlds meet

Two different worlds. Many different worlds. Each person has their own world. "My world is different from your world" someone said to me. True. So very true. Even my world is different from my own brothers world. Worlds apart are we all from eachother , yet we co exist. And life is good as long as no one intrudes on the other's world. This world each one of us has, is our own unique perception of life. So , when two people come close and try and become one, their worlds meet. War of the Worlds! What happens when two worlds collide? A big BOOM and then a whole new world is created. But a lot depends on how each party sustains the boom. Who lives through it, and who does not. Maybe both wont. Maybe both will and ALL will if they have that one wonderful back up - ACCEPTANCE. Change in your world, or situations in your world require your acceptance. That's their main block into forming themselves into a whole new world. If you don't accept what is, what will be does not occur and a state of panic remains. Once you accept, change occurs in YOUR favor.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Once you started reading to Real Life in no doubt you will not stop..

    It happened with me but in different circumstances..

    Cheer Up..

