Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Right

Is it your right to ask for a right? Where I live, its a crime to ask for your right. Its considered a weakness. As men, we TAKE our rights. My concern now is the women. The people who smile and go through life in this desert without getting their rights. Accepting it to be life, when it is not life. It is someones perverted idea of how life should be so that only THEY can benefit from it. A land of double standards, deception and arrogance. But do we fear that? Should we? I dont think change can occur without acceptance of fact. And what is around and happening is fact. Once you accept it, you will understand it and once you understand it, you can change it. You can at least change your own world. You get your rights when you stop blaming and start searching and living and accepting. An outright NO leads to confrontation which leads to destruction. When has destructuon ever been the solution. Peaceful means require patience and pateince creates persistance and persistance can move mountains. Love yourself. Love yourself enough to gain and live in the wisdom of life. The formulas that always work will come to you once you acheive this state. When the high and mighty will shy away from imposing on you..


  1. Dont live where you live no Taxes here.

  2. You dont love Him, if you dont love yourself. He HIMSELF has said, what you do - you do for yourself. And you cannot possibly love Him and then not love yourself and HIS creation, which you are..
    Too quick to judge and too confident? Thats the mistake. Go deeper and then talk, you are still learning.
